Sunday 11 December 2016

Athletics learning story

On Thursday the whole school participated in athletics. I made a good improvement in sports and I felt really proud of myself.

I was good at 100m sprints because I was thinking positive and ignoring distractions. I also was good at sprint because I practice everyday with my friends on the top court.When I am sprinting I can swing my arms at a 90 degree angle and bend my knees.

I encouraged my friends to run fast and to think positive,and not to give up.
I was good at vortex because I knew I would make it,I thought it was really easy for me because I made it over the gold cone and nearly made it  at the end of the field..
I could throw it really far and I was happy and proud of myself,It made me feel really cool because I haven't threw it that far before.

I encouraged my friends and cheered them on to throw it as far as they can and some of them qualified through and I was happy.

Cloud Poem


cheerful, joyful, jolly, joking, gleeful,carefree, untroubled, delighted, smiling, beaming, grinning, glowing, gratified, beatific, blessed

One delighted cloud laughing loudly across the sky

Wrapped in a shiny white blanket

Zooming across the sky with his fluffy friends

As happy as a kitten playing with wool

Suddenly tears drop down from the sky

The cloud skips back to his fluffy family

Success Criteria .

Nice loud speaking

Speak at an appropriate speed (Not too fast, not too slow)

Year 8 Leavers Book

I will never forget my teachers Kate Collins,Miss Ardelle and Miss Gibbs because they are the ones who taught me the most.

I want to be remembered for being a leader because I want people to think that they want to be like me.

I’ll always remember Nash,Tiaki and Mark because they are the best at sports and I like that they take the time to share their skills with me they are also really good at art.

I would like to thank all my teachers including Nash and Tiaki because if It wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be where I am at today.

The best thing about Corinna school is that we always get new visitors from different parts of the world and I get a chance to show my skills and what I can do .

Have to promise to achieve all my goals
Have to have faith no matter what unfolds

Have to love all those who are close
Have to remember to stay humble not boast

Have to play hard in every game
Have to shine and represent my name.

By J.J

Success Criteria .

Nice loud speaking

Speak at an appropriate speed (Not too fast, not too slow)
Use matching facial expressions to entertain, make an impact, for affect

Art Learning Story

Purpose:To create a bold image that represents our ancestors

In art we have been learning to use bold lines and contrasting colours to make our creation stand out

When I am drawing I am good at using cultural colours to make my image stand out and if I am drawing a face I am good at using the technique that Mark taught us.

In my image there is a ava bowl and a to’oto’o and a fue that represents my ancestor because he was a chief and my aunty was a dancer.

I can use shading to create more effect as it helps my image stand out because it adds depth.

I’ve got better at changing my plan if I don’t like it and using cultural colours to make my ancestor look samoan

When I draw and I’m focused I feel good when I draw my tipuna because I am drawing someone who is special to me and the rest of my families and I feel proud.

Sunday 13 November 2016

Athletics Learning Story

On Thursday the whole school participated in athletics. I made a good improvement in sports and I felt really proud of myself.

I was good at 100m sprints because I was thinking positive and ignoring distractions. I also was good at sprint because I practice everyday with my friends on the top court.When I am sprinting I can swing my arms at a 90 degree angle and bend my knees.

I encouraged my friends to run fast and to think positive,and not to give up.

I was good at vortex because I knew I would make it,I thought it was really easy for me because I made it over the gold cone and nearly made it  at the end of the field..
I could throw it really far and I was happy and proud of myself,It made me feel really cool because I haven't threw it that far before.

I encouraged my friends and cheered them on to throw it as far as they can and some of them qualified through and I was happy.

Sunday 26 June 2016

Writing learning story 2016

In writing we have been writing narratives and learning how to use different figurative language like adjectives,metaphors, and similes in our writing to make it more interesting and paint a picture in the readers head.

Before we write we have to make sure that we have a hook, because if you don't have a good start (hook) the reader will not want to keep reading your piece of writing. 

Your hook can be like a question or statement having a hook is very important because it's like your first impression if your first impression is not good then no one would like you,but if your first impression is good then people will like you,people will make a judgement very quickly.

After you write your hook you should have you good start to your narrative,your beginning should tell the reader where your setting is and your main characters.The middle part of your story you should start introducing the problem to the story.The very last paragraph should be your resolution to the problem.

My next steps is get help when i'm stuck

Here is a example of my narrative   

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Maths learning story (in a team) 2016

In maths this year we have been learning to include others and to work as a team to complete the problem.Working in a team for me is very helpful for me because if i'm stuck,I have a group to help me when they share their ideas. I can listen and make a connection to their idea and what I already know about the problem.Working in a team the skills you need to use is contributing and listen to the person thats speaking.

In my team the problem I solved was a fraction problem about Nash and Sia. The problem was was to work out how many metres of material you needed to make 15 lava lava.I knew that 2/3 of a metre of material=1 whole lava lava.

First me and my group discussed each others thought about the problem then we started on the problem one of my team started us off and I disagreed with her idea

Then I grabbed the pen. I wrote down my ideas on paper

 "Each lava lava uses 2/3 of a metre of material so we need to multiply 2/3 of a metre of material by 15 lava lavas = 30/3 once I got that I went 30 divided by 3 =10 whole metre" that was my answer.

I finished writing my ideas and I explained to my group and I had to make sure that my whole group is listening to me when I'm               explaining. When I finish explaining to my group about my strategy I made sure everyone understands what I was talking about. If my group doesn't understand I can explain it in a different way.

When someone in my group is explaining their way of figuring out the problem, and someone is not listening and not focusing, I
try and include them in and make sure they understand the things the group is talking about. It is my responsibility to include them in the group because they might not feel like you're including them.

My next step is to not to be shy to explain to everyone and to feel confident about having a go even when I might not be right.